Lightsaber Color Crystals

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Description[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this guide is to outline all the available lightsaber color crystals on EiF and where to find them. This list is subject to update, but is accurate as of 11/2/2022. There is a possibility that unreleased crystals may change names, or colors at any time before they are released.

Lightsaber crystals are two sides of the same coin - every crystal has a tune and a bleed color (Light vs Dark). I will break down the crystals by alignment.

Lightside Crystal[edit | edit source]

Crystal Number Crystal Name Crystal Name with Hex Color Alignment Drop Location
0 Purple Purple Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
1 Dark Purple Dark Purple Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
2 Light Green Light Green Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
3 Dark Green Dark Green Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
4 Blue Blue Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
5 Dark Blue Dark Blue Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
6 Yellow Yellow Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
7 Dark Yellow Dark Yellow Light Dark Side LS4 Quest
8 Tano's Path Tano's Path Light Axkva Min/Necklace
9 Halycon's Haritage Halycon's Heritage Light Kyber Geode/Empire Day
10 Guardian's Devotion Guardian's Devotion Light Floating Lightsaber/Sith Shrine
11 Skywalker's Faith Skywalker's Faith Light Warfame Vendor/1000 Warfame
12 Revan's Absolution Revan's Absolution Light Not Available
13 Allya's Atonement Allya's Atonement Light Axkva Min/Crystal Chamber
14 Bondara's Folly Bondara's Folly Light Not Available
15 Ulic's Redemption Ulic's Redemption Light Floating Lightsaber/Sith Shrine
16 Cay's Trust Cay's Trust Light Force Golem /Exar Kun/Halloween
17 Gallia's Intuition Gallia's Intuition Light Kyber Box/Taanab Harvest
18 Prowess of Plo Koon Prowess of Plo Koon Light Not Available
19 B'nar's Sacrifice B'nar's Sacrifice Light Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
20 Windu's Guile Windu's Guile Light Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
21 Mundi's Response Mundi's Response Light Not Available
22 Strength of Luminaria Strength of Luminaria Light Kyber Geode/Empire Day
23 Baas's Wisdom Baas's Wisdom Light Not Available
24 Quintessence of the Force Quintessence of the Force Light Kyber Box/Taanab Harvest
25 Dawn of Dagobah Dawn of Dagobah Light Kyber Geode/Empire Day
26 Horn's Inheritance Horn's Inheritance Light Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
27 Jinn's Devotion Jinn's Devotion Light M1-NA (Bonus Boss)/Plasma Mining Facility
28 Kenobi's Legacy Kenobi's Legacy Light Faction Recruiter (In-Person Only)/100000 Faction Points
29 Sunrider's Destiny Sunrider's Destiny Light Force Golem/Exar Kun/Halloween
30 Kit's Ferocity Kit's Ferocity Light Kyber Box/Taanab Harvest
31 Light of the Jedi Light of the Jedi Light Not Available
32 Sylvar's Commitment Sylvar's Commitment Light Force Golem/Exar Kun/Halloween

Darkside Crystals[edit | edit source]

Crystal Number Crystal Name Crystal Name with Hex Color Alignment Drop Location
128 Red Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
129 Dark Red Dark Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
130 Red Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
131 Dark Red Dark Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
132 Red Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
133 Dark Red Dark Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
134 Red Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
135 Dark Red Dark Red Dark Light Side LS4 Quest
136 Maul's Vengeance Maul's Vengeance Dark Axkva Min/Necklace
137 Tyris's Treachery Tyris's Treachery Dark Kyber Geode/Empire Day
138 Inquisitor's Ferocity Inquisitor's Ferocity Dark Floating Lightsaber/Sith Shrine
139 Vader's Brutality Vader's Brutality Dark Warfame Vendor /1000 Warfame
140 Revan's Rule Revan's Rule Dark Not Available
141 Allya's Exile Allya's Exile Dark Axkva Min/Crystal Chamber
142 Hunter's Pride Hunter's Pride Dark Not Available
143 Ulic's Arrogance Ulic's Arrogance Dark Floating Lightsaber/Sith Shrine
144 Kun's Power Kun's Power Dark Force Golem/Exar Kun/Halloween
145 Opress's Corruption Opress's Corruption Dark Kyber Box/Tanaab Harvest
146 Power of Andeddu Power of Andeddu Dark Not Available
147 Sedriss's Ambition Sedriss's Ambition Dark Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
148 Sidous's Deception Sidous's Deception Dark Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
149 Hett's Savagery Hett's Savagery Dark Not Available
150 Fall of Offee Fall of Offee Dark Kyber Geode/Empire Day
151 Ragnos's Shadow Ragnos's Shadow Dark Not Available
152 Heart of the Darkside Heart of the Darkside Dark Kyber Box/Taanab Harvest
153 Nightfall of Dromund Kaas Nightfall of Dromund Kaas Dark Kyber Geode/Empire Day
154 Hidden Truth Hidden Truth Dark Kyber Box/Boonta Eve
155 Cunning of Tyranus Cunning of Tyranus Dark M1-NA (Bonus Boss)/Plasma Mining Facility
156 Bane's Heart Bane's Heart Dark Faction Recruiter (In-Person Only)/100000 Faction Points
157 Kun's Blood Kun's Blood Dark Force Golem/Exar Kun/Halloween
158 Ventress's Rage Ventress's Rage Dark Kyber Box/Taanab Harvest
159 Blood of the Sith Blood of the Sith Dark Not Available
160 Crado's Perfidy Crado's Perfidy Dark Force Golem/Exar Kun/Halloween

Links[edit | edit source]