
From Star Wars Galaxies: Empire in Flames
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The commando profession is a straight forward profession which grants access to a multitude of normal and consumable heavy weapons as well as the blast damage type.

Skill Tree

Bounty Hunter Skill Tree
Master Commando
Acid Cone 2, Flame Cone 2
Flame Single 2
Acid Single 2
Flame Cone 1
Acid Cone 1
Flame Single 1
Acid Single 1



ability target (angle/radius) states states duration poolsToDamage damageMultiplier speedMultiplier accuracyBonus actionCostMultiplier range
fireAcidCone1 cone (45) fire 100 mind 4.5 2.25 40 25
fireAcidCone2 cone (45) fire 50 mind 4.5 2.25 50 40
fireAcidSingle1 single fire 100 mind 4.5 2.25 50 20
fireAcidSingle2 single fire 50 mind 4.5 2.25 50 40
flameCone1 cone (45) fire 100 action 4.5 2.25 50 25
flameCone2 cone (45) fire 50 action 4.5 2.25 30 35
flameSingle1 single fire 100 action 4.5 2.25 50 20
flameSingle2 single fire 50 action 4.5 2.25 50 30


Weapon Skill Damage Type
Beam Rifle Energy
Cryoban Grenade Field Tactics I Cold
Flame Thrower Novice Commando Heat
Fragmentation Grenade Novice Commando Kinetic
Glop Grenade Field Tactics II Acid
Heavy Acid Beam Heavy Support Weapons II Acid
Heavy Acid Rifle Novice Commando Acid
Heavy Particle Beam Cannon Heavy Support Weapons I Energy
Imperial Detonator Field Tactics III Energy
Launcher Pistol Novice Commando Blast
Lightning Beam Cannon Heavy Support Weapons III Electricity
Proton Grenade Master Commando Heat
Rocket Launcher Novice Commando Blast
Thermal Detonator Field Tactics IV Blast

Skill Modifiers

When Fully Mastered
Modifier Value
Bounty Mission Difficulty 3
Burst Run Efficiency 20
Droid Precision 130
Droid Speed 90
Droid Tracking Speed 80
Light Lightning Cannon Accuracy 125
Light Lightning Cannon Speed 75
Terrain Negotiation 20
Defense Vs Posture Change (Up) 75
Tracking Droid Effectiveness 100
Tracking Droids 12

Skill Trainers