Player City

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For a listing of current player cities see this page.

Description[edit | edit source]

Player city is a type of city established and maintained by players. The mayor administers a player city through the city control panel in the archive room of the City Hall.

Establishing a Player City[edit | edit source]

The steps to establishing a player city are:

  • Place a deed for a City Hall on a core planet; and
  • The character with which you place the City Hall deed will automatically declare its residence as the City Hall. Four additional characters must place a house within 150 meters of City Hall and declare residence within 24 hours.

Player City Rank[edit | edit source]

Player city rank is determined by citizenship and enables the following civic structures:

Rank Title Citizens Radius Civic Structures
1 Outpost 5 150m Small gardens
2 Village 10 200m Medium gardens, Bank, Garage, Cantina
3 Township 15 300m Large gardens, Cloning facility, Hospital
4 City 20 400m Shuttleport, Theater
5 Metropolis 25 450m

Advancement[edit | edit source]

Player cities update once a week; the exact time for the city update can be determined from the City Maintenance Terminal located in City Hall. Prior to taxation and city maintenance, the city rank and citizenship is validated. If the city has enough citizens to advance, the city is promoted. If the city does not have enough citizens to maintain their current rank, they are demoted. The Mayor is notified of any changes in city rank.

Specialization[edit | edit source]

A specialization gives the city a bonus in some area for an increased cost in city maintenance. Different city specializations are available provided the city is of sufficient rank (minimum of Rank 3). A city can have only one specialization at a time and may only be changed once a week (to take effect with the next city update). Once a specialization is put into effect, it remains until the Mayor changes or removes it.

Specialization Benefit Maintenance
Cloning Lab Reduces the cost of removing Cloning Sickness by 50%. 8,000 cr
DNA Laboratory 3 hour reduction per cycle 20,000 cr
Encore Performance Storyteller items last an extra 12 hours 20,000 cr
Entertainment District Increased entertainer buff duration and tick 8,000 cr
Improved Job Market 20% bonus payout for missions accepted from terminals. 8,000 cr
Manufacturing Center 10% bonus to crafting assembly phase 5,000 cr
Medical Center 10% medical buffs and healing in the Medical Center 8,000 cr
Research Center 15% bonus to crafting experimentation phase 12,500 cr
Sample Rich 20% resources gathered while sampling and a 10% chance of finding resources. 7,000 cr

Decorations[edit | edit source]

Decorations can be placed in a city of any rank by the mayor. Placement and maintenance fees are paid from the city treasury.

Decoration Schematics Placement Maintenance
Fountains 100 cr 150 cr
Statues 100 cr 150 cr
Streetlamps 100 cr 150 cr
Terminals 100 cr 150 cr

Civic structures[edit | edit source]

Civic structures can be placed in a city that meet the required city rank by the mayor. Maintenance fees are paid from the city treasury.

Civic structure Schematics City rank Maintenance Footprint
Banks 2, Village 150 cr
City Halls 1, Outpost

2, Village

3, Township

4, City

5, Metropolis

3,500 cr

6,000 cr

8,500 cr

11,000 cr

13,500 cr

Cloning facilities 3, Township 2,000 cr
Garages 2, Village 1,000 cr
Small Gardens 1, Outpost 2,000 cr 3x3
Medium gardens 2, Village 2,000 cr 5x5
Large Gardens 3, Township 3,000 cr 7x7
Shuttleports 4, City 2,500 cr 5x5
Citizen-placed Profession Rank Lot Usage Footprint
Cantina Master Dancer/Master Musician 2. Village 5 7x7
Hospital Master Combat Medic/Master Doctor 3. Township 3 5x5
Theater Master Dancer/Master Musician 4. City 3 5x7

Maintenance[edit | edit source]

The weekly maintenance on a city varies depending on your city's rank, what structures you have placed and what specializations you have in place. You can find a detailed read-out of your city's weekly maintenance on the city terminal in your city hall (not the structure terminal). City maintenance is taken from the city treasury once a week.

Once the city's rank has been validated, the city's weekly maintenance fee is subtracted from the treasury. City Hall maintenance is paid first, then the rest of the structures. If the city can't pay for a structure, it becomes damaged and the mayor is notified of the structure status; the status of a civic structure can be checked from the City Maintenance Terminal. If a civic structure is damaged and reaches 0 condition, it is destroyed. **If City Hall is destroyed, all civic structures and decorations are destroyed and the city is disbanded; a city should take four weeks to decay if no maintenance is paid. If a city can't pay for mission terminals, skill trainers, or decorations they are destroyed and the Mayor is notified.

Elections[edit | edit source]

Elections are held every 3 weeks. Candidates—including the Incumbent Mayor—may only register on the ballot during the first two weeks of each election cycle. All candidates may withdraw from the race at any time. Emails are sent to all citizens when a candidate enters or withdraws from the race. You can see which part of the voting cycle the city is in by examining the Voting Terminal: Voting Weeks 1 and 2, and Election Week.

  • Challenger win: all mayor abilities, civic structures, and decorations are automatically transferred to the new mayor.
  • Challenger loss or election tie: the mayor retains their position.
  • No challenger: the incumbent mayor is automatically reelected.

Links[edit | edit source]