
From Star Wars Galaxies: Empire in Flames
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Description[edit | edit source]

Architects are able to design and build a wide variety of buildings, including houses, guild halls, and resource harvesters.

Skill Tree[edit | edit source]

Entertainer Skill Tree
Master Architect

Abilities[edit | edit source]


Certifications[edit | edit source]


Schematics[edit | edit source]

Item Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4
Armoire Novice Architect Furniture II Master Architect
Ballot-box Terminal Furniture III
Bookcase Novice Architect Furniture II Master Architect
Cabinet Furniture II
Cafe Chair Furniture II
Cafe Table Furniture I Furniture IV Master Architect
Candle 'Bestine' Furniture II
Candle 'Coronet' Furniture II
Candle 'Dearic' Furniture II
Candle 'Restuss' Furniture II
Candle 'Theed' Furniture II
Chair Furniture I Furniture III Master Architect
Cheap Cafe Table Furniture I
Chest Novice Architect Furniture III Master Architect
Couch Novice Architect Furniture III Master Architect
Data Terminal Furniture III Furniture IV
Deed: Automated Flora Farm Installations III
Deed: Chemical Extractor Installations II
Deed: Corellia Bank Construction I
Deed: Corellia Cantina Construction III
Deed: Corellia City Hall Construction IV
Deed: Corellia Cloning Facility Construction II
Deed: Corellia Garage Construction III
Deed: Corellian Guild Hall Master Architect
Deed: Corellia Hospital Construction III
Deed: Corellia Shuttleport Construction II
Deed: Dantooine Meditation Area (Garden) Master Architect
Deed: Dathomir Obelisk (Garden) Master Architect
Deed: Deep Crust Chemical Extractor Installations III
Deed: Endor Huts (Garden) Master Architect
Deed: Equipment Factory Novice Architect
Deed: Food Factory Installations I
Deed: Fusion Power Generator Installations IV
Deed: Generic Planet Guild Hall Master Architect
Deed: Heavy Mineral Mining Installations IV
Deed: Heavy Natural Gas Processor Installations IV
Deed: High Capacity Flora Farm Installations IV
Deed: High Efficiency Moisture Vaporator Installations IV
Deed: Large Corellia House Buildings III
Deed: Large Corellia House (Style 2) Buildings IV
Deed: Large Garden Construction IV
Deed: Large Generic Planet House Buildings IV
Deed: Large Generic Planet House (Style 2) Buildings IV
Deed: Large Naboo House Buildings III
Deed: Large Tatooine House Buildings III
Deed: Medium Corellia House Buildings II
Deed: Medium Garden Construction III
Deed: Medium Generic Planet House Buildings III
Deed: Medium Generic Planet House (Style 2) Buildings IV
Deed: Medium Naboo House Buildings II
Deed: Medium Tatooine House Buildings II
Deed: Merchant Tent Construction I
Deed: Micro Flora Farm Novice Architect
Deed: Mineral Mining Installation Installations II
Deed: Moisture Vaporator Novice Architect
Deed: Naboo Bank Construction I
Deed: Naboo Cantina Construction III
Deed: Naboo City Hall Construction IV
Deed: Naboo Cloning Facility Construction II
Deed: Naboo Garage Construction III
Deed: Naboo Guild Hall Master Architect
Deed: Naboo Hospital Construction III
Deed: Naboo Shuttleport Construction II
Deed: Naboo Theater Construction III
Deed: Natural Gas Processor Installations II
Deed: Personal Chemical Extractor Novice Architect
Deed: Personal Mineral Extractor Novice Architect
Deed: Personal Moisture Vaporator Novice Architect
Deed: Personal Natural Gas Processor Novice Architect
Deed: Small Corellia House Novice Architect
Deed: Small Corellia House (Floorplan 2) Novice Architect
Deed: Small Corellia House (Style 2) Buildings I
Deed: Small Corellia House (Style 2) Buildings I
Deed: Small Garden Construction II
Deed: Small Generic Planet House Buildings I
Deed: Small Generic Planet House Buildings I
Deed: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2) Buildings II
Deed: Small Generic Planet House (Style 2) Buildings II
Deed: Small Naboo House Novice Architect
Deed: Small Naboo House (Style 2) Buildings I
Deed: Small Tatooine House Novice Architect
Deed: Small Tatooine House (Style 2) Buildings I
Deed: Small Tatooine House (Style 3) Buildings III
Deed: Solar Power Generator Installations II
Deed: Structures Factory Installations I
Deed: Tatooine Bank Construction I
Deed: Tatooine Cantina Construction III
Deed: Tatooine City Hall Construction IV
Deed: Tatooine Cloning Center Construction II
Deed: Tatooine Garage Construction III
Deed: Tatooine Guild Hall Master Architect
Deed: Tatooine Hospital Construction III
Deed: Tatooine Shuttleport Construction II
Deed: Tatooine Theater Construction III
Deed: Voting Center Construction I
Deed: Wearables Factory Installations I
Deed: Wind Power Generator Novice Architect
Desk Lamp 'Bantha' Furniture II
Desk Lamp 'Bantha' Furniture II
Desk Lamp 'Rancor' Furniture II
Dining Table Furniture IV
Divan Furniture I
Droid Detection Device Furniture II
End Table Furniture I Furniture IV Master Architect
Fountain Construction II
Fluidic Drilling Pump Unit Novice Architect
Free-standing Lamp 'Azeron' Furniture II
Free-standing Lamp 'Blueleaf' Furniture II
Free-standing Lamp 'Blueleaf' Furniture II
Free-standing Lamp 'Razorcoil' Furniture II
Free-standing Lamp 'Tallbirch'
Generator Turbine Novice Architect
Gungan Head Statue Construction I
Harvesting Mechanism Novice Architect
Heavy Harvesting Mechanism Installations II
Kitchen Chair Furniture I
Large Bed Furniture III
Large Couch Furniture II
Large Potted Plant, Style 1 Novice Architect
Light Ore Mining Unit Novice Architect
Light Power Core Unit Novice Architect
Loveseat Novice Architect Furniture I Furniture II Master Architect
Manufacturing Mechanism Novice Architect
Metal Chair Furniture I
Ore Mining Unit Novice Architect
Ottoman Furniture I
Potted Tree, Style 1 Novice Architect
Power Core Unit Buildings I
Reclining Chair Furniture II
Small Bed Furniture II
Small Couch Furniture II
Small Modern End Table Furniture IV
Small Potted Plant, Style 1 Novice Architect
Small Structure Storage Model Novice Architect
Small Table Furniture I
Sofa Chair Furniture IV
Squared Metal Cair Furniture I
Streetlamp Construction I
Structural Module Novice Architect
Structure Storage Module Buildings I
Stuffed Chair Furniture II
Table Furniture IV
Table-top Lamp Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Abregado-Rae' Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Abregado-Rae' Furniture III
Table-top Lamp 'Corellia' Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant' Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Coruscant' Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Naboo' Furniture II
Table-top Lamp 'Tatooine' Furniture II
Toolchest Furniture I Furniture II
Torch Novice Architect
Turbo Fluidic Drilling Pump Unit Installations II
Wall Module Novice Architect
Wooden Chair Furniture II

Skill Modifiers[edit | edit source]

When Fully Mastered
Modifier Value
Structure Assembly 100
Structure Customization 255
Structure Experimentation 100

Skill Trainers[edit | edit source]

  • Corellia - Bela Vistal 6851 -5409
  • Corellia - Coronet -161 -4698
  • Corellia - Coronet 54 -4428
  • Corellia - Doaba Guerfel 3098 5293
  • Corellia - Kor Vella -3686 3046
  • Corellia - Tyrena -5535 -2690
  • Naboo - Deeja City 4719 -1257
  • Naboo - Kaadara 5112 6807
  • Naboo - Keren 1776 2578
  • Naboo - Keren 1533 2744
  • Naboo - Moenia City 4779 -4970
  • Naboo - Moenia City 4816 -5013
  • Naboo - Theed City -5400 3983
  • Naboo - Theed City -4931 4020
  • Rori - Narmle -4998 -2432
  • Rori - Restuss 5397 5593
  • Rori - Restuss 5511 5663
  • Talus - Dearic 628 -3062
  • Talus - Nashal 4221 5126
  • Talus - Nashal 4299 5119
  • Tatooine - Bestine -1255 -3568
  • Tatooine - Bestine -1272 -3513
  • Tatooine - Mos Eisley 3322 -4706
  • Tatooine - Mos Espa -3043 2050
  • Tatooine - Mos Espa -2873 2161