Pack Alpha

From Star Wars Galaxies: Empire in Flames
Revision as of 17:28, 3 February 2024 by Axims (talk | contribs) (→‎Mechanics: removed ref to disease attack as per Dev confirmation)
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Pack Alpha


The Pack Alpha is a particularly large and strong greater sludge panther.


The Pack Alpha has approximately 1,000,000 HAM with strong resists. Players within melee range will take additional damage. If no players are within melee range then ranged players will take additional damage. The Pack Alpha will frequently utilize Plague Strike, an area-of-effect attack, which will be broadcasted via a system message which states, "The stench eminating from the Alpha causes you to feel physcially ill."

When he has around 10% health remaining he will attempt to flee. If he manages to get 10m or more away from any player he will fully heal his HAM though his armor will remain broken.


Place holder loot only (3x SEAs).

Spawn Locations (WIP: 5)

  1. /way 2710 1961 Talus World Boss 1
  2. /way -6884 -5946 Talus World Boss 2
  3. /way -5848 5232 Talus World Boss 3
  4. /way 5415 -2650 Talus World Boss 4
  5. TBD