
From Star Wars Galaxies: Empire in Flames
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Empire in Flames features animal mounts, jetpacks, and two types of speeders: regular speeders and air speeders. Air speeders are a special class of speeder which are much faster than regular speeders but can only be summoned while in proximity of a vehicle garage.

Air Speeders

  • Custom-Built Repulsorcraft
  • Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
  • T-16 Skyhopper
  • T-47 Airspeeder
  • TIE Striker
  • Twin Pod Cloud Car
  • V-4X-D Ski Speeder
  • V-Wing Airspeeder


  • Imperial Jumptrooper Pack

Creature Mounts

  • Bantha
  • Dewback


  • Advanced STAP-1
  • 74-Z Speederbike
  • AV-21 Landspeeder
  • Flash Speeder
  • Imperial Armored BARC
  • Imperial Command BARC
  • Salvaged BARC
  • Sith Speeder
  • Swoop
  • USV-5 Landspeeder
  • V-35 Landspeeder
  • X-34 Landspeeder

Pages in category "Speeders"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.